The Benefits of Sealcoating Your Asphalt

Asphalt is a combination of many materials composed in a structure that allows for weather elements (such as rain), salts, and other substances to attack and break it down. As the asphalt molecules break down, much of the original benefits "including weatherproofing" are lost. This is first observed visually by the color change in the asphalt surface: from black to brownish gray. The rate of pavement deterioration depends upon many variables including weather or climate conditions, traffic volumes and frequency of maintenance. After the visual change in color of the asphalt surface, weather, oils and other harmful materials can significantly deteriorate the pavement surface. Oils from vehicle engines, often parked stationary for long periods of time, can cause considerable damage to an unmaintained pavement surface.

pavement damage

Also, further deterioration of unmaintained pavement leads to minor cracks which become wider and deeper without remedy. If these cracks are not remedied, water and other harmful substances will seep into the base and damage the pavement's load bearing capacity, ultimately causing pavement failure. The effects of this are shown in serious alligatoring, rutting, and overall pavement failure..

Before long, your parking lot is riddled with cracks, potholes and drainage issues that are seemingly beyond repair. Unmaintained asphalt shows its deterioration and damage quickly, in as little as two years, and cracks and potholes quickly develop. Once the cracking forms, lack of proper maintenance will lead to serious liability issues caused by severe potholes and your pavement investment will be in risk of complete failure. The deterioration of unmaintained asphalt happens exponentially faster than maintained asphalt and, consequently, costs much more money over time.